In a perfect world, we could take just one of these indicators and trade strictly by what that indicator told us. The problem is that we DON’T live in a perfect world, and each of these indicators has imperfections. That is why many traders combine different indicators together so that they can “screen” each other. They might have 3 different indicators and they won’t trade unless all 3 indicators give them the same answer.
As you continue your journey as a trader, you will discover what indicators work best for you. We can tell you that we like using MACD, Stochastics, and RSI, but you might have a different preference. Every trader out there has tried to find the “magic combination” of indicators that will always give them the right signals, but the truth is that there is no such thing.
We urge you to study each indicator on its own until you know EXACTLY how it reacts to price movement, and then come up with your own combination that fits your trading style. Later on in the course, we will show you a system that combines different indicators to give you an idea of how they can compliment each other.
Forex Training Class Lessons in 5th Grade: Common Chart Indicators
- Bollinger Bands
- Parabolic SAR
- Stochastics
- Relative Strength Index
- Putting It All Together
- Summary of Chart Indicators
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